Storms are one of the most common threats to houses and, unfortunately, when they strike, it can cost homeowners thousands of dollars, whether in damages or repairs. In February of 2022, CNBC reported that natural disasters struck roughly 1 out of 10 homes in the United States last year.
Guy Roofing knows how important it is to take immediate action when your home has been impacted by a storm. Neglecting storm repairs and damage can cause severe problems and lead to a house’s deterioration. Whether the damage to your roof or structure is major or minor, not doing anything about it can make the damage worsen over time and become much more expensive to repair.
You may be asking yourself, “How do I know if there is damage to my roof?” You’re not alone, as many homeowners wonder exactly how to detect roof damage after a storm, since it’s the most likely area to need repair.
Wonder no more! Let’s explore ways to identify when your roof needs repair after a storm.
Identify What Storm Damage Looks Like
The first step in identifying whether your home requires roof repair is knowing what storm damage looks like. As you know, there are many different types of storms, which can cause very different types of damage with left over debris. When talking about identifying storm damage, it’s important to understand the differences. Let's talk about markers of three types of storms.
Hail Damage
Hail damage is one of the most obvious types of damage to identify on your roof. Falling hail stones can leave noticeable marks on even the most durable roof materials!
What should you be on the lookout for in your post-storm roof inspection? Typically, hail damage leaves some of the following marks:
- Damaged gutters and flashing
- Excess granules in your gutters
If you notice any of these issues, you should call and schedule an inspection immediately! If these issues aren’t handled properly – and quickly - it can lead to more severe and complex issues. For example, damaged shingles can cause leaks in multiple areas of your home. (This can also damage your possessions that are inside your home.) Leaks can then develop into water damage which, in the end, may require you to have a full roof replacement versus a small repair that might have been the original solution.
Wind Damage
While wind damage is much more subtle than the dents left after a hailstorm, extremely high winds can cause just as considerable roof damage. Unfortunately, wind damage can remain unnoticed and undetected for extensive periods of time if you’re unaware of what to look for.
However, when you closely assess storm damage, signs of wind damage become unmistakably clear. Be on the lookout for:
- Broken or curled shingles
- Appearance of horizontal lines on shingles
While it might seem an easy fix, it’s always best to get a professional’s opinion. Be sure to schedule an inspection as soon as you can.
Rain Damage
Last, but certainly not least, is rain damage. This is one of the most likely (and common) threats to your home. Like wind damage, it's often unnoticeable at first. However, over time, you'll begin to see issues like roof leaks. These issues can even become evident inside your home.
There are several indicators that show evidence of rainstorm roof damage. The most common include:
- Water stains or spots on your ceilings and walls
Not only can these problems affect the structural safety of your home, but they can also affect your health! When you are looking to repair rain damage, search for roofing companies that can address these issues immediately. Schedule your appointment online today, and we can be there as soon as tomorrow!
Conduct Visual Inspections of Your Home After Bad Storms
In general, the average, properly installed roof lasts roughly 25 years. The further into the lifespan, the more frequently you should inspect it.
How can you ensure your roof lasts? Conduct visual inspections regularly and call a professional if you see anything off! If nothing else, be sure to check your roof after a bad storm. Better safe than sorry!
When you inspect your roof, look for the damages previously described like broken, dented, or curled shingles. Extensive issues could require you to search for repairs from the best roofing company immediately.
Extend Your Roof's Lifespan with Regular Maintenance
Another way to extend your roof's lifespan is to conduct regular maintenance. Typically, a roof can benefit from two types of maintenance.
First, there's what we will loosely call DIY maintenance. This type of maintenance typically requires homeowners to take small, meaningful actions to keep their roofs clean. For example, removing leaves from your roof (and gutters) in the fall or debris (like tree branches) after a storm can be a great first step.
How can something this small be so helpful? You might not realize it but when leaves and other debris are left on your roof, water doesn’t have the ability to evaporate properly. As a result, water accumulates on and within the structure, seeping through shingles and into your ceilings. The problem? This can lead to water spots, stains, moisture issues, and possible mold.
To ensure water drains off your roof efficiently, it’s imperative that you clean your gutters. Clogged gutters allow water to stay trapped on top of the house, where it can cause significant damage and lead to thousands of dollars of damage.
Tackling roof maintenance as a DIY project can save you money, but roofs will ultimately require a higher level of maintenance. Homeowners need to schedule maintenance checkups with a professional and experienced roofing company who can search for extensive problems. Not only can this provide you with peace of mind, but also long-term savings!
As we have discussed, several signs of roof damage can be subtle and hard to detect. Homeowners may not realize these issues are potential threats. However, experienced roofing repair companies can identify roofing problems and inform you when your roof needs to be repaired or even replaced.
We know it’s common to take on DIY projects to save money, but these efforts cannot preserve a roof on their own. While they can help prevent damage from extending too deep, hidden or severe damage can’t be addressed without professional help.
In other words, when push comes to shove, let the pros handle it.
Get a Roof Replacement When Necessary
Like most appliances, every roof has a lifespan. Generally, an asphalt roof has a lifespan of around 20 to 25 years. If your roof is more than 20 years old, it may be best to start thinking about a full roof replacement. Guy Roofing can complete an inspection that will provide all of your options so you can see what will work best for you, your home, and your budget!
Replacing your roof is an investment that can cost tens of thousands of dollars. However, regular roof maintenance has the possibility to extend the life cycle of your roof beyond its standard lifespan. This maintenance is especially necessary for homes with older roofs since they are more likely to have damage issues.
You should also check in with your insurance company to see what coverage is available or applicable to your roof. Your repairs (or replacement) could be covered!
Find the Roof Repair Company That Can Fix Your Roof
Ultimately, roof damage can be caused by several different factors. Whether it's a fallen tree, a hailstorm, an oversaturated roof or mold, if not corrected, these threats can cause expensive repairs, lots of damage, and dangerous health issues.
Fortunately, you can alleviate many of these problems before they become too severe by simply contacting the best roofing company in your area.
Guy Roofing provides roof repairs, full installations, gutters, and more residentially to homes in North Carolina, South Carolina, and parts of Georgia. If you’re interested in learning more or getting an inspection on the books, schedule an appointment with us today.