Greenville Veteran Receives New Roof Installed by Guy Roofing

Guy Roofing gave back to Bobby Hogan, a U.S. Army veteran to thank him for all he has given by serving our country. We donated our time to re-roof Bobby's home with materials donated by Owens Corning as part of the Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project.

Through a partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County, Mr. Hogan was selected and approved as the recipient for the roof replacement.

The Owens Corning Roof Deployment Project is a nationwide effort to show gratitude and honor the veterans who served our country and the families who support them. Since the inception of this program in 2016, more than 150 military members have received new roofs.


Roof Deployment Project: Operation Roof Deployment with Owens Corning in Piedmont, SC